Geographic Area: West Africa
Year: 2021
The European Commission has awarded Altair the final evaluation of the project “GAR-SI SAHEL (Rapid Action Groups – Surveillance and Intervention in the Sahel). The overall objective of this Action is to contribute to the security of the populations and to the stabilisation of the countries concerned, including remote and cross-border areas, as a precondition for their sustainable socio-economic development. In support of existing national structures and in the framework of ongoing and future security sector reform initiatives in the countries concerned, the specific objectives of this Action are as follows:
1. To enhance the effectiveness of the preventive and reactive action of the national security forces in order to ensure a more efficient control of the territory and borders of the targeted countries, including in remote and cross-border areas;
2. To create favourable conditions for better cross-border and regional cooperation among the countries concerned and thus contribute to a more effective fight against transnational threats, including those posed by terrorist and organised crime networks.