Living without Discrimination in Morocco

Living without Discrimination in Morocco

AECID, through the management unit contracted by Altair for the project “Coexist without discrimination, a focus on human rights and gender” organized two meetings between Moroccan institutions, civil society and journalists.

Financed by the Emergency Trust Fund for Stability in Africa, the project aims to strengthen key state and civil society institutions in the implementation of initiatives to prevent and combat racism and xenophobia towards the migrant population in the Kingdom of Morocco. .

On 03/31/2021, the event had as its central theme “Legislation against discrimination, particularly racial discrimination. What are good practices?” It was a day of exchanges with representatives of different ministerial departments, parliamentarians, Moroccan civil society organizations, the media and United Nations agencies, and researchers. The objectives were:

  • Assess and analyze the progress made in the fight against racism in Morocco and identify possible necessary adjustments at the level of the international framework.
  • Compile international experiences in the matter.
  • Propose specific recommendations to improve the legislation on the matter in Morocco.

On 04/01/2021, a meeting was held at the office of the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco in a hybrid format on the extrajudicial mechanisms for claims in case of discrimination, in particular racial.

The objective was to support exchanges on the issues of racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination in Morocco with the establishment of a sustainable forum for exchange between civil society actors and national bodies for the promotion of human rights. In addition to the mediator, the CNDP and the HACA also participated.